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I e III. Attività di Inglese

Immagine del redattore: Ro RoRo Ro
  1. Per la I B: "Ripassare i vocaboli sul cibo a pag. 66 e 67 e studiare la grammatica di pag. 68. Esercizi di pag. 232 e n. 11-12 di pag. 233. Ascoltare il dialogo del nostro libro di testo di pag. 64. Visionare il video: At the restaurant conversation".

  2. Per la III B; "Dialogo di pag. 101, tutti gli  esercizi di pag.112. Importante l'es. n. 3  nel quale bisogna inventare il finale di una storia. I ragazzi la possono scrivere e inviarla tramite questo blog".

Un saluto a tutti i ragazzi.



Mar 15, 2020

Who watched it? When Roy and john looked a light in john’s house. John was afraid but Roy no, so john took courage and they decided to enter into John’s house. When they arrived in front of the house they saw that the door was open, they sneaked inside and arrived in the living room. They heard noises coming from the kitchen, looked out and saw Isabel, John’s mother with a cake, freshly baked, in her hand and she said:” I made you a cake and I came to put it in fridge ”. Isabel was 65 years old, short, gray-haired, smiling face and she was a wonderful cook.

They breathed a sigh of relief and ate the cake all…


Mar 12, 2020

Thanks you teacher!


Gabriella Raoli
Gabriella Raoli
Mar 12, 2020

Alessandro, very good!!


Gabriella Raoli
Gabriella Raoli
Mar 12, 2020

dear Marina,

Your work is super!!


Mar 12, 2020

With a little fear Roy and John entered slowly pushing the door of the house which was open. But fortunately he was no thief.Who was watching TV was John's nephew Paul who was watching the last episode of de "walking dead".What a fear they were

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